You’re probably dreading the thought of searching for a residential dumpster rental in Athen, Georgia.
Because nothing kills the mood of a warm Christmas morning than the idea of the holiday trash pickup that ensues.
But does it have to be a hassle?
Instead of procrastinating the worst job of the holidays, picture a totally different scene.
Whether you’re walking down to the 4th day of Hanukkah, Christmas or Kwanzaa morning, you take a deep sigh of relief.
Everyone from your in-laws to your cousin from out of state with 5 kids will be here in a few hours.
Rather than the dread of cleanup, you swoop down the staircase with gusto. The air is sweet from the bowl of cinnamon-scented pinecones you picked up at the farmers market.
The aroma of the pinecones mixes with the minced-meat oats you put in the slow-cooker last night.
How do you make this more than a dream?
These 5 tips for beating the holiday trash pickup bugaboo will leave your family in awe of your hosting expertise.
Next time you’re celebrating a birthday, holiday, or special occasion, remember to hold onto some of the wrapping paper.
Using items you already have on hand you can make your own recycled paper! Cut these into postcard-sized pieces instead of spending your gift fund on cards printed on virgin paper.
This is a great option to reduce holiday trash you have no control over. It might even get ideas flowing for how to recycle holiday trash into other crafts.
Let’s face it. You probably don’t wear most of what’s in your closet. Most people wear less than half of the clothes they own.
You don’t need to be a seamstress to put together some adorable teddy bears, like these. Old baby clothes, suits, and dresses all provide perfect ingredients for custom teddy bears.
They’re a unique gift that can be sent in a reusable bag to cut down on your waste even more.
It sounds crazy, sure. But if you think to yourself, “there’s enough fur here to build another dog,” every time you break out the vacuum you may have the makings of an amazing gift for the animal lovers in your life.
Don’t worry if your pup is on the stinky side, most of them are. Companies, like this, take the collected fur, clean it, and weave it into a soft wool-like fabric.
It’s a great way to make a keepsake if your pet is getting older and you want something happier to remember them.
With family and friends visiting for the holidays you can go through coffee like water. Instead of throwing it straight into the garbage consider adding it to your compost pile.
Tea bags are also popular around the holidays and you can bury them straight into your flower beds to add much-needed nutrients to the soil.
If your a Keurig-addict try grabbing some reusable K-cups, like these. Not only do they cut back on waste, but they’re also 7-9 times cheaper than single-use K-cups.
Holidays in America mean eating until you need to go up a belt size. Even after having our fill we’re often left with leftovers to last a couple of lifetimes.
Food is one of the main biodegradable items filling up our landfills at an astonishing rate. Let’s get real, no one is going to eat cousin Erin’s bland mashed potatoes two weeks after Thanksgiving.
Make a signup sheet of dishes that need to be made that way you don’t have to throw away four green bean casserole’s a week after the holiday is over. Get rid of holiday trash before it’s made!
To anyone else, your tree is a hodgepodge of random knickknacks and cheap trinkets. To you, the lopsided snowman made of popsicle sticks and cotton balls was your son’s first Christmas.
The delicate porcelain choo-choo train was a gift from your mom for you and your partner’s first anniversary.
And the angel perched at the top like an unintimidating gargoyle on an old chapel was your grandmother’s.
You hear a knock at the door. The red-eye flight your aunt and her two Yorkies caught last minute have them at your door before the sunrise.
But you’re not stressing. The guest bed is all made up. There’s enough firewood to last through the apocalypse.
The holiday trash pickup after a week of your extended family treating your home like a Holiday Inn is the last thing on your mind.
Because you know with just one call you can have a residential dumpster at your doorsteps in 24 hours.
Is it really that easy? Call us now and see for yourself. Every dumpster rental includes delivery, pickup, and a 7-day lease.
So don’t worry about what to do with all that holiday trash. Bin There Dump That is like Santa for all your dumpster needs.